E3 北京时间 2月19号凌晨3点
E5 北京时间 2月22号凌晨3点
Ryzen 可能2月底
Ross McCully 07:22
Hello anon. How may I help you?
anon 07:22
When will the stock be available?
Ross McCully 07:22
Which VPS plan are you looking at?
anon 07:23
E5 512MB
Ross McCully 07:23
We have no estimated time at the moment for E5. We are hoping to have Ryzen back in stock at the end of the month. If someone cancels you will be able to purchase but we can’t obviously say when that’ll be
anon 07:24
Thanks. How about E3?
Ross McCully 07:24
E3 is the same as E5, just whenever there is a cancellation as we have estimated time for it
anon 07:25
Thank you.
Ross McCully 07:25
18th February at 7PM GMT there should be 512MB E3 available
21st February at 7PM GMT there should be 512MB E5 available
anon 07:26
Taking notes. Thanks again.
Ross McCully 07:26
Ok no problem!
辽宁省网友说:cera都可以上架同款了 不少商家已经上架三网联通回程了 没有必要蹲斯巴达了